
Ep. 23: How You Know When It’s Over

One of the newest, and most obscure, aspects of the divorce process is discernment counseling, the process of determining whether ...

Ep. 21: It’s Impossible to Have a Human Relationship!

Relationships are hard; you get that. But why do we MAKE them so hard?! Karen meets with Dr. Sean Fitzpatrick ...

Ep. 19: Coffee Talk: How Divorce Coaching Works (& What to Expect!)

In this episode I am going to break down what a Divorce Coach can do for you. In particular, the ...

Ep. 17: Get a Handle on Your Finances: Before, During, & After Divorce

This is going to be a valuable conversation, literally. Penny Kidd is not an investor or advisor, she’s a Financial ...

Ep. 16: Advice for people watching the divorce go down – Coffee Talk

This episode was inspired by a recent episode of one of my favorite PodCasts – HIDDEN BRAIN. The research being ...

Ep. 15: Are you sure you want to do this? ft. Susan Myres, Divorce Lawyer

With over 40 years of practicing family law in the Houston area, we graciously welcome Susan Myres to share her ...

Ep. 13: Breaking up is hard to do!

We need to have the hard conversation about having hard conversations. Most of us feel unskilled when faced with disagreement ...

Ep. 12: Can a bad divorce have a happy ending? Let’s ask Coach Jill!

Jill Barnett Kaufman has a long history with divorce. Once coming out the other side of her own divorce she ...

Ep. 11: Who would want their ‘X’ to move back in decades after divorcing?

This is no ordinary divorce story. In fact, it has the makings of an entertaining romantic comedy. In her 20’s ...

Ep. 10: ‘The Road to Splitsville’ w/ Dr. Ronald Raymond, Jeffrey Stephens

Divorce is an unfortunate reality for a staggering number of people every year. Here with common sense suggestions are attorney ...

Ep. 9: What does it look like when your ‘X’ becomes your new neighbor?

Matt and Aimee McQuilken were the entrepreneurial business darlings of their community. After 18 years of marriage they were met ...

Ep. 8: Can divorce actually improve the relationship between parents?

Two creatives, Erin and Mitch, approached their divorce with compassion, grace and intention. Even their mediator wondered if they should ...

The Good Divorce Show - Real People, Real Stories

Ep. 7: Coffee Talk with Coach Karen

Hello listeners! Join me as I riff, rant, and reflect on a few things that can help you in your ...

Ep. 6: What if your lawyer is less like a shark & more like Mr. Rogers?

Hailed as “too normal* to be a lawyer” or … “you’re like a lawyer, but nice?” Meri Althauser is not ...

Ep. 5: How does a same-sex couple divorce if the marriage isn’t legal?

Listen to the unique journey of one same sex couple as they navigate the “invisible divorce”. What happens when couples ...

Ep. 4: What happens when the child & step-parent bond turns out awesome?

Navigating the new dynamics of a blended family can be a rocky road for any family. This week listen to ...

Ep. 3: How do you raise a child together across two homes?

Kyle and Kelly have a long history that goes back to preschool in Illinois. Fate brought them back together in ...

Ep. 2: What happens when the marriage ends and the band breaks up?

They shared a business, a recording studio, and a fan base. Virtually every aspect of their personal and professional lives ...